You may be reading this because you read or heard about online business and something intrigued you about it. Thinking it’s not a “real” business? Want to know more?
The first step is to identify your BIG WHY…ask yourself, “What is the main reason you would consider changing what you are doing now to start something new?
See if you can identify with one or more of these situations that may be causing you to take a look at doing something different in your career or work:
- Laid off, downsized, fired, quit, voluntarily or involuntarily (pick one): Your work situation changed…suddenly.
- Searching: You are looking for a job; in fact, you have been looking for a job for a very long time and just haven’t been able to find one. You need to get to work right away and make money…fast.
- Underemployed: At work, you feel your talents and skills are under appreciated, under utilized. You sit and daydream at your computer, watch the clock and draw doodles while staring out the window longing for the day when you can do what you always wanted to do, to have more control over your time and your destiny.
- Misemployed: You are in the wrong job, are completely miserable and want to do something else…NOW.
- OR maybe you’re just Curious: You have friends who keep telling you how they are starting to make some serious online money in their pajamas and bunny slippers. You are intrigued but cautiously curious and would like to know how you could do that, too.
Whatever it is, you need to know YOUR BIG WHY. It is the main reason you are considering starting an online business. Your BIG WHY will be unique to you, because you have different wants, needs, dreams and situations than anyone else.
If you don’t have a compelling reason that is big enough to motivate you to jump out of bed and get you excited enough to want to work at it for many hours every day, the odds are not in your favor for success in the long run.
Why? Because to build a successful, thriving online (or any other) business is hard work…no matter what anyone else may tell you. But the rewards can be SO great!
So, Why start an online business, anyway?
Here is my BIG WHY:
The overwhelming desire to serve others, to have flexibility and freedom of lifestyle, to earn increased income to help others in need, to have ultimate autonomy and no limit on my ability to earn and grow my business.
Other important reasons are:
- Ability to spend more time with and help my family and friends
- Ability to work from wherever I choose, whenever I want.
- Ability to increase my income to pay off all debt, help fund retirement years, and help friends and family and those in need
- Ability to have more time in my life to volunteer for important ministry work and fund worthy charitable organizations
So, what is your BIG WHY? Take some time and think about what is most important to you and your family, and what you want from your life going forward.
Once you have identified your BIG WHY, write it down and put it somewhere in front of you where you will see it every day. Refer to it often as you move toward the next big step in your life: your own online business. Then you can move forward to build a viable online business for the long term, because you will have the foundation and motivation you need to build on for success!
THE NEXT STEP: Start learning all you can about online business, what you need to know and what you need to do. You will find that information here.